Affiliated to CBSE Delhi,No.1030149
St. Montfort School Bhopal
Patel Nagar,P.B.No.16, Piplani P.O. Bhopal

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Holi Celebration 2019

As it is known by all, thatHoli is the only festival for which majority of the kids eagerly wait for its arrival. For this auspicious day St. Montfort School (primary wing) Bhopal commemorated the holi celebration which was done by class II A on 20-3-19. Children executed the assembly with some initial positive thoughts on holi followed by a relevant skit on why the festival is celebrated. The children also presented a zestful dance performance which lifted up the ambiance during the assembly. Kids also greeted each other and sought blessings of elders by applying gulal and saying happy holi to all. Eventually the celebration winded up with the message of our Rev.PrincipalBro.Monachan who addressed the students and teachers and gave a message on spreading of love while playing holi, he also instructed the students to be safe and not to waste much water. The Celebration concluded on a colourful and happy note.