At St. Montfort Primary wing today on 21/07/2018, tiny tots of Kindergerten celebrated Funday with great zeal & excitement. Children came in their lovely allotted colourful & shining dresses and fruits.
All the classed were fully decorated with the allotted colour objects and little ones enjoyed their scrumptious fruit salad which the teacher prepared along with students in the class. .
Recognition of colours, fruits and various objects were examined by students via going into all the other classes.
Children throught had fun on their “fun dayâ€.
With this activity we stress on the eating habits of children. We tell them the nutritional values of fruits & vegetables which they have to regularly add in their diet chart.
‘Fun day’ is basically organized to make students have fun with learning.
They even learned the significance of fruits and vegetables. Also, that learning can be fun if did in a different yet colourful way.
Everyone had a fun frolic day with their peers & fun day turned into a party in the end as they had little dancing session with the whole class.
As the fun started, we were also privileged to have our Principal Bro. Monachan who conversed with the children of all the class and also how all the tiny bits joined together to work as a team to prepare fruit salad and were acknowledged by its healthy effects.
The day was called on a healthy yet cheerful note.