Affiliated to CBSE Delhi,No.1030149
St. Montfort School Bhopal
Patel Nagar,P.B.No.16, Piplani P.O. Bhopal
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Orientation Programme 2017-2018
26-Jun- 2017

On 24thJune 2017,St. Montfort school conducted orientation programme for the parents of Class-I students. In this programme the parents had a knowledge gaining session about semester system and its attributes.
The session was initiated by remembering God Almighty through a prayer. The Head Mistress, Sr. Kripa gave the general and most important instruction about the rules and regulations of the school. After this subject teachers facilitated the parents with common test, unit test and semester exam pattern with their marking and requested the parents to kindly help the students to work on their reading and writing part.

The Principal of the school, Rev. Bro. T. Alex elaborated more about the exam and study pattern,transition from Kindergarten to class-I and three different video were displayed related to the bending of parents with their children and the parents were asked to reflect on it. After this, clarification and interaction session was followed, whereparents asked their queries and problems. The programme was concluded with vote of thanks followed by National Anthem.