Affiliated to CBSE Delhi,No.1030149
St. Montfort School Bhopal
Patel Nagar,P.B.No.16, Piplani P.O. Bhopal

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Good Friday
Celebration 2017
"Do not let your hearts be troubled trust in God, Trust also in me."- JESUS CHRIST

St.Montfort school celebrated Good Friday on 13th April 2017.Aheart touching skit was presented by the students of Class- XCin which they depicted the crucifixionof Lord Jesus and the pain caused due to this crucifixionbut still words of good wishes was given by Lord Jesus.

Principal Rev.Bro.Alex advised the children to forget and forgive. He beautifully related the preaching of Lord Jesus to the preachingof Lord Rama and Lord Krishna. He asked the children to tread on the path of truth and to take out the ill feelings within oneself.

The assembly ended with the awards given away to Bhanu Pratap Singh as the Man of the Match in the Inter School Cricket Tournament and Akash Singh for his wonderful performance in Inter State Cricket Tournament.