The St. Montfort School Patel Nagar, conducted a fancy dress competition for the students of classes I & II on 19/12/19. The purpose of conducting the competition was not only to blend learning with fun but also to develop confidence in the students by giving them the opportunity to get on the stage and speak in front of the audience. The theme of the competition was ‘’CHRISTMAS CHARACTER’’. The students participated activity and enthusiastically in the competition dressed up as Mother Marry, Jesus, Angel Gabriel, Joseph, Christmas tree etc. four students of each class were selected to perform. They spoke a few sentences on the Character they depicted, emphasing upon their importance in Christmas. The efforts and hard work of the students were highly commendable. The competition proved to be great learning experience for the students and gave them a platform to explore their hidden talents.
The winner’sare :-
Class I
Name Class Position
Aaradhya Singh I A I
TanviBharadwaj I C II
IrishaChouksey I D III
Ridhima I B Consolation
Kavya Sharma I C Consolation
Class II
Name Class Position
Roshni Das II AI
Aafreen Khan II C II
KanishkaChabbra II AIII
Ayaan Sam II C Consolation