Affiliated to CBSE Delhi,No.1030149
St. Montfort School Bhopal
Patel Nagar,P.B.No.16, Piplani P.O. Bhopal

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English Story Telling Competition 2019-2020

Montfort School, Primary wing. Students of Class I & II actively participated in this competition. Maximum three participation where there from each section of class I & II, with the topic ‘any moral story’ for class I   and ‘any religious or mythological story’ for class II. The main motive of conducting this competition is to guide students to be fearless on the stage, developed confidence, to have correct pronunciation and most importantly their own style of speaking or narrating the different stories with enactment. This helps to nurtures the inner self of students, to present their hidden talents and capabilities. Each participant has tried their best to win this competition.
Winner’s names are given below:

Class – I
     1st Position         AdvikKagdi                    I D
      2nd Position       AnviPandey                    I A
      3rd Position        TanviBhardwaj               I C
                                Rajvi Das                          I E
Consolation             IshaniChakrovaty           I E

Class – II
1st Position              SamyuktaSujeesh             II A
2nd Position             AafreenKhna                   II C
3rd Position             Granth Naidu                 II F
    Consolation         AaravPanthi                   II F