Affiliated to CBSE Delhi,No.1030149
St. Montfort School Bhopal
Patel Nagar,P.B.No.16, Piplani P.O. Bhopal

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Special Assembly On Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Jyanti
St. Montfort  school, Patel Nagar, Primary wing celebrated 127th Birth Anniversary of Dr. B.R. Amdedkar on 13th April 2018. Students of Class I F presented a special assembly along with a skit and a beautiful dance dedicated to Dr. B. R. Ambedker. The tiny tots presented a skit on an incident from the life of Dr. Ambedker’s childhood experience. It was on caste discrimination and how Dr. Ambedker came with a change in the system. Dr. B.R. Ambedker brought reforms through his idedogies. The concept of nationalism, according to B.R. Ambedker, was to abolish caste discrimination and untouchability to bring a socio – economic and a political transformation in India. Children were made aware what a constitution is  and how important is his contribution towards India’s Democracy.