Affiliated to CBSE Delhi,No.1030149
St. Montfort School Bhopal
Patel Nagar,P.B.No.16, Piplani P.O. Bhopal
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Invertiture Ceremony (Primary & Middle)
6-Apr- 2016
The investiture ceremony of Primary and Middle section of St. Montfort School was held on 1 April 2016. The ceremony was witnessed by the students and staff of the school. It commenced with the Prayer song invoking God’s blessings. The ceremony was solemnized by Principal, Rev Brother T. Alex conferring the authority on office bearers formally.
Cabinet members for Primary section (III - V) - Devang Singh and Gezala Prasad were administered the oath of office as Head boy and Head girl respectively.
For middle section - Mohit Mamtani and Aananya Prasad were also administered the oath of office as Head boy and Head girl respectively.

House bearers for the Primary section are Parag Gite for Bhabha House, G.Krishna Priya for Gandhi House, Niyor Joseph for Tagore house and Rajwardhan Pawar for Teresa House took the oath as house leaders.
For Middle section A B Skandha Narayani, Rajat singh , Gurun Chandok , Neithra Gupta were installed as house captains of Bhabha House , Gandhi House , Tagore House and Teresa House respectively. The House Captains were vested with the flag, sashes and badges of their respective Houses.

Two class monitors and two language monitors for all the classes from (III -VIII) were vested with their mantle of responsibilities. The primary cabinet members took oath of office from the school principal Rev. Bro. Alex who congratulated them and urged the students to work sincerely and diligently as well as maintain their academic achievements. 

The Ceremony concluded with the National Anthem.