Affiliated to CBSE Delhi,No.1030149
St. Montfort School Bhopal
Patel Nagar,P.B.No.16, Piplani P.O. Bhopal
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Teachers Seminar 2015
16-Mar- 2015
St. Montfort school, Patel Nagar, Bhopal conducted a seminar for the teaching staff of about 100 for 2 days. On 10th and 11th March 2015 in its auditorium. The resource person for the seminar was Mr. Neel, a renowned Transformational trainer, Zen Reiki leader and life coach for students and seniors professionals. The motive behind the seminar was to develop the 10 powerful skills of Great Teachers. The teachers learnt how transformational in learning must be implied for enhancing the students ability to perform well. Stress was laid on understanding child psychology and to trigger thinking ability of the students. He advised teachers to challenge their capabilities to accept changes and to influence and motivate children for hard work and taking up risks for moving towards their goal. To meet the high standards of society one must develop soft skills along with the hard skills. On the second day, he emphasized on the Brain Storming (SWOT ) method of learning for the students. The teachers learnt how to transform oneself to the new environment along with self awareness. On should also widen the circle of concern of oneself which further improves the communication skill of the person. He made the session interesting with different activities in which the teachers participated enthusiastically. The session enriched the teachers and motivated them to face the new challenges in the new session. The seminar ended on a wonderful note of interaction Mr. Neel with the teachers and vote of thanks given by Mrs. Jyoti Nair, Senior co-ordinator. Principal Bro. T.Alex also thanked Mr. Neel personally for giving his valuable time and enriching the teachers.